Dr. Nutter is dedicated to providing high-quality evidence-based pediatric care.
Dr. Nutter is dedicated to providing high-quality evidence-based pediatric care.
204-2245 Abbott Street, Kelowna, British Columbia V1Y 1E2, Canada
Preferred = leave a confidential voicemail by calling (236) 420-0556 (line 2) Send requested documents, referrals requests via fax: (778) 754-0249 Email: drnutterpediatrics@gmail.com (for non-urgent, non-clinical issues only)
Mon | By Appointment | |
Tue | By Appointment | |
Wed | By Appointment | |
Thu | By Appointment | |
Fri | Closed | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |
Closed Friday-Sunday & most statutory holidays
Dr. Nutter is a Consultant Pediatrician who provides an opinion & direction on specific or complex medical and developmental issues that require specialized care. Specialists can only assess patients who are referred by a family physician/GP, nurse practitioner or midwife.
Referrals are triaged based on urgency.
Our office will contact families directly to book an appointment.
If your child develops any new medical issues or concerns please always see your GP first so they can complete an assessment. If they determines the issue requires a specialist, they will request a referral next.
It is important that you continue to follow-up regularly with your GP. If your child's issue changes or worsens over time Dr. Nutter requires a written update from your GP; this may impact your wait time.
Please be aware that appointment no-shows, last minute cancellations, and not submitting all of the requested forms all result in longer specialist wait times.
Almost 1 million British Columbians don’t have, and can’t get, a family doctor. Join physicians (GPs and specialists alike) in sharing your voice to let government know you care about having a family doctor.
I am grateful to live & work within the ancestral, traditional and unceded territory of the Syilx/Okanagan Nation.
Please note: content on this website is provided for the use of Dr. Nutter's patients and should not be considered medical advice. Copyright © 2021 Dr. Alison Nutter
The content on this website is not intended to replace comprehensive medical advice, health counseling, therapy, etc. Always seek the advice of your physician if you have any concerns or questions about your child's health.
Though Dr. Nutter has made every attempt to assure that her website content is accurate and complete; new research and information may become available at a later time.